
Everything Under the Sun

Tag Archives: photography

Under the Tree

061112: Ijofotografia 016

Under the Tree at Rose Garden, Burnham Park, Baguio City.

Under the Tree

Itlog Pugo

060812: Ijofotografia 015

Itlog Pugo (Quail Eeg)

itlog pugo

Little Info:

Quail Eggs are considered a delicacy in many countries, including western Europe and North America. In Japanese cuisine, they are sometimes used raw or cooked as tamago in sushi and often found in bento lunches.

In some other countries, quail eggs are considered less exotic. In Colombia and Venezuela, a single hard-boiled quail egg is a common topping on hot dogs and hamburgers, often fixed into place with a toothpick. In the Philippineskwek-kwek is a popular street food delicacy, which consists of soft-boiled quail eggs dipped in orange-colored batter before being skewered and deep-fried. In Vietnam, bags of boiled quail eggs are sold on street stalls as inexpensive beer snacks. [1]

Quail eggs are often believed to be very high in cholesterol, but evidence shows their cholesterol levels are similar to chicken eggs. [ref. wikipedia]

Humps Ahead

060812: Ijofotografia 014

Humps Ahead